AFTER testing Eascape for 2 weeks Order Number Name * E-mail (optional) Gender * female male Age * 1. How are you feeling right now? * 1. My mood is not good > 5. My mood is positive 2. How are you feeling right now? * 1. I'm feeling placid, low in energy > 5. I'm full of energy and tension 3. How was your productivity in the last 2 working days? * 1. Very poor > 5. Very good 4. How much did the app help you achieve your initial goal? * 1. Not at all > 5. Very much 5. Any additional comments to share about Eascape? 6. How many Eascape sessions did you complete in the last 2 weeks? * 15 or more 10-14 6-9 3-5 2 or less 7. How regularly have you used the app in the past 2 weeks? * every day every 2 or 3 days about once a week less than once a week Please, rate your user-experience from 1 to 5 (1-very low and 5 very high quality) 8. Quality of VR environments * 9. Quality of sounds * 10. Level of realism (immersiveness) * 11. Installation experience * 12. User interface (counterintuitive/annoying > intuitive/pleasant) * 13. What confused/annoyed you in the app? 14. What other landscapes would you like to experience through Eascape? 15. Is there anything else you would improve? 16. How did you find out about the app? * Facebook LinkedIn Twitter YouTube A post from a friend on social media Radio/Podcast TV Print Word of mouth Other 17. How likely are you to recommend this app to a friend or colleague? * Unlikely > Very likely Consent to dala collection By submitting this form I agree to share my data with Eascape research team. Check our Privacy Policy